
Numbers :- Counting in 10 frame up to 20|| Counting in 10 frame up to 30||.

Counting in 10 frame up to 40||. Counting in 10 frame up to 50 ||

Counting UpDown :- Counting Up||Counting Down

Counting Forward-Backward :- Counting Forward ||. Counting Backward

Count the mark Stick:- Counting Star:- Missing Numbers:-

Addition:-Addition up to 5 || Addition up to 10

Subtraction :- Subtraction up to 5


Three words Letters:- Lowercase & Uppercase Letters :- Uppercase letters|| Lowercase letters || Choose Lowercase letters|| Choose Uppercase letters

Consonants and Vowels :- Consonants || Vowels Syllables :- Count the Syllable Word Recognition :- Two words same || Spaced correctly || Find a word